Does Minoxidil Really Work?

Does Minoxidil Really Work?

Minoxidil works by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. The increased blood circulation helps improve the supply of blood and nutrients to hair follicles which makes follicles grow thicker and longer.

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a vasodilator. Vasodilators are medicines that dilate (open) your blood vessels. Vasodilators keep your arteries and veins from narrowing or contracting (squeezing) shut.

In 1987, scientists developed a topical minoxidil solution that is suitable for treating hair loss in both males and females. The solution is available in either a 2% or 5% concentration. Some of the brand names for topical minoxidil are Rogaine/Regaine and Kirkland.

How Minoxidil slows hair loss?

A study found that applying Regaine helped stop hair loss for roughly 66% of men with male pattern baldness. Hair began growing back for a much smaller percentage of individuals, the report said. 

"Minoxidil works by increasing blood circulation in then scalp. The increased blood circulation helps improve the supply of blood and nutrients to hair follicles which makes follicles grow thicker and longer."

Some of the benefits of having a good supply of blood to hair follicles include the following

  • Stimulates follicle movement to growth phase
  • Extends each follicle growth phase
  • Reverses the miniaturisation of follicles

Can Minoxidil be used to grow a beard?

Yes, the effects of improved blood circulation can increase the growth of a beard. With consistent use, beard hair follicles will start to thicken and grow.

How should I use Minoxidil?

5% Minoxidil for men should be used twice day every morning and evening. Enough time should be left for the liquid or foam minoxidil to be absorbed into the skin before applying any hair oils or moisturisers.

For women, 2% minoxidil should be applied twice a day every morning and evening. The 5% concentration for women is a bit stronger and should be used once a day.

It is important to read all instructions carefully. The manufacturer will state the correct dosage, which a person should never exceed.

People usually apply minoxidil using a pipette or a spray. They should avoid putting this drug on any part of the body other than the scalp and should not ingest it.

How long will it take to see results?

Minoxidil is proven to work, but noticeable results require patience. Many people start to see less hair loss and some new growth in 4 to 6 months. For best results, this medication must be applied twice daily. Since discontinuing Minoxidil will stop the progress of the treatment, it is most effective when used as part of a daily routine.

Should I use Minoxidil?

Yes, give minoxidil a try. People respond differently to the treatment so the recommendation is to use it consistently for at least 4 to 6 months in order to be able to gauge its effectiveness.

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